Peter's Web Gallery (Thumbnailshow and Slideshow) 

Thumbshow.jpg Slideshow.jpg Help.jpg

Copyright     Version: 06.09.2019         Deutsche Version

Why a own thumbnailshow and slideshow in the WWW ?
There are Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Amazon Drive, and many other cloud providers.
Anybody, happy with these services and accepting the terms of use, OK, stop reading this.
Also all others, who are only interested in local slideshows on their computer, are not affected.
But all others, wanting to store their images and slideshows in the cloud, but requiring full control and full rights on their images, will need a private cloud and a web gallery for presentations.
The screenshots above are from the following web gallery.

 Why I've decided to implement my own web gallery ? 

I want to present my slideshows not only on a local computer, but also in the WWW!
I want to keep full control and full rights on my images!
Considering this I mistrust all free cloud providers.

I want to make thumbnailshows and slideshows with low effort, also if lots of images.
I want to generate thumbnailshows and slideshows automatically.
I want to extract the image-title (above) and the image-caption (below) from the image-metadata.
So I can avoid to edit the slideshow after generating.

 What are the image metadata: 

Image-files have additional information in the file-header.
Which selection of these metadata can be used for the title and caption look below.

I organize and edit all my images with Adobe Lightroom, so some useful informations für a slideshow will be added.
Many informations has supplied the camera, p.e. the shooting time.
Lightroom can generate nice local slideshows from the selected images, optional as .pdf, .mp4 or .jpg.
As title (above) or caption (below) selected metadata can be displayed, an example
Lightroom also offers some web galleries, but these cannot be adopted to personal needs.
Also in the WWW I didn't find a web gallery, which fits my requirements.

 So I've started to program, but there is no need to reinvent the whole stuff: 

 Arguments for the personal use 

 Implemented functionality 

 Requirements, Conventions 

 Evaluated browsers and platforms (up-to-date versions) 

 Local test without webserver 

If you try to test the slideshow local on your computer without a webserver, you get evtl. a CORS-error message, that the image metadata cannot be read out.
Solution for Google Chrome: Command Parameter
  Chrome_wo_CORS.bat ⇒⇒ "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --disable-web-security --user-data-dir=C:\Temp %1
Solution for Mozilla Firefox: Configuration parameter in about:config
  security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy ⇒⇒ false
There is also a Firefox-Plugin

 Short instructions for personal usage 

Feel free to use this software private, that means, without any commercial interest.
Please check also the rights of the used libraries, mentioned above.
If you use this software, you accept, that there ist no service, no guarantee, no warranty, you use it at your own risk.

 The most important settings in 'slideShowParams.bat' 

Sample values are defined:

 Example for more slideshows: 

The folder "slideShow/" can remain as it is.
On the same level we create a folder for each slideshow.
These get subfolders for the images: "slides/", "thumbnails/" and evtl. "oriPics/".
Additionally we need 2 files: "makeSlideShow.bat" and "slideShowParams.bat".
The file "slideShowParams.bat" has to be customized for the slideshow, then we can generate the slideshow and the thumbnailshow with "makeSlideShow.bat".

 Description of supported metadata 

Which metadata are in your images? This depends on your digicam und your image editing software.
Following selection from the EXIF, IPTC and XMP metadata is supported:


    • name:         image name                    (special case)
    • title:        image title                   (XMP | IPTC)
    • headline:     image headline                (XMP | IPTC)
    • desc:         image description, caption    (XMP | IPTC | EXIF)
    • byline:       Künstler                      (IPTC)
    • creator:      Ersteller                     (XMP)
    • rights:       copyright                     (XMP | IPTC | EXIF)
    • date:         shooting date                 (EXIF)
    • time:         shooting time                 (EXIF)
    • make:         camera manufacturer           (EXIF)
    • model:        camera model                  (EXIF)
    • artist:       photographer                  (EXIF)
    • userComment:  user comment                  (EXIF)
    • focalLen:     lens focal length             (EXIF)
    • fNumber:      lens aperture                 (EXIF)
    • subjDist:     subject distance              (EXIF)
    • expTime:      exposure time                 (EXIF)
    • expBias:      exposure bias                 (EXIF)
    • ISOSpeed:     ISO speed                     (EXIF)
    • pixelX:       image width                   (EXIF)
    • pixelY:       image height                  (EXIF)
    • latGrad:      GPS latitude                  (EXIF)
    • lonGrad:      GPS longitude                 (EXIF)
    • ele:          GPS elevation                 (EXIF)
    • country:      country                       (XMP | IPTC)
    • province:     province                      (XMP | IPTC)
    • city:         city                          (XMP | IPTC)
    • location:     location                      (XMP | IPTC)
    • rating:       rating, p.e.: "4"             (XMP)
    • label:        label, p.e.: "green"          (XMP)
    • exifVers:     EXIF version                  (EXIF)
    • creaTool:     software, p.e.: Lightroom     (XMP)

Copyright    Version: 06.09.2019